Seasonal Sales
WINTER Specials- Special Pricing, no other discounts apply.
- Tinymight 2 Bundle
- Core 2.1 Bundle
- Cell Bundle
- Puffco Pivot Bundle
- Puffco Proxy Bundle
- Pockety/Poby Bundle
- Crafty+ Bundle
- Mighty+ Bundle
- Venty Bundle
5% off the following collections w/code WINTER5 :
- Peak Pro
- Peak Pro 3DXL
- New Peak
- Proxy
- Pivot
- Peak Pro 3DXL Chamber
- Proxy Bubbler
- Proxy Wizard
- Ryan Fit Recycler
- Hot Knife
- Ruby Twist Bundle w/ Titanium Matrix Bowl
- Wireless One-Hit Wonder Ball Vape
- Crossing Tech Wireless Bundle for Dry Herb/Concentrate or Both
- Crossing Tech Wireless Heater and Matrix Injector Combo
- Disorderly Conduction Wireless Bundle
- Budget B-Zero Bundle
- B-Zero Injector Bundle
- B1 Heavy Bundle
- F16 Bundle
- TKO Pioneer Bundle
- Moab Bundle
- Tomcat Bundle
- Mega Cell Bundle in Black Walnut with Pecan by The Club
- Mega Cell Bundle in Willow and Padauk
- The Club System V2
- WholeCell Bundle
- The Club Orb System (Special Edition with LED's)
- The Club Orb System
- The Club System V1
- The Club Pipe Basic Stand V1 System
- The Club Pipe Basic Stand V2 System
10% off the following collections w/ code WINTER10 :
- Dani Fusion 2.0 Artemis Stem
- Dani Fusion 2.0 Mini Stem
- Dani Fusion 2.0 Wooden Stem
- Dani Fusion 2.0 Metal Stem
- Dani Fusion 2.0 Tracwood Poker
- Flare Induction Heater
- Trackwood Poker
- Metal WPA
- Wooden WPA
Camouflet (some limitations- No Inductor)
- Cocobolo Injector Bowl
- Tigerwood Standard Injector Bowl
- 22mm Microdose Bowl
- Tinymight Stem
- 19mm Tinymight Stem
- Cocobolo Coil Handle- Long
- Cocobolo Coil Handle Short
- Tigerwood Coil Handle
- Bomb Ass Butter
- Classic Olivewood
- Pure Olivewood
- Butane Torch
- Concentrate Screen (sieve)
- Wooden Olivewood Mouthpiece
- Inbox Mouthpiece
- Wooden Box Tree Mouthpiece
- Titanium Mouthpiece
- 10/14/19mm Vapman WPA
- Lotus Bundle
- Lotus Cap
- Lotus Sherlock
- Vapman Click
- Pockety E-Rig
- Poby S (Proxy Alternative)
- Poby L (Proxy Alternative)
- Fusion 510 Atomizer
- Peak Replacement Chamber
- The Club Wireless Docking Station in Black Walnut w/Padauk Accents
- The Club Wireless Docking Station in Black Walnut
- The Club Wireless Docking Station in Black Cherry
Tinymight Accessories by VGoodieEZ
- Tinymight XL Cooling Stem
- Tinymight Missile Stem
- Tinymight Glass Tip
- Tinymight Quartz Stem
- Tinymight XL Rocket Stem
- Tinymight Stem Caps
- Tinymight WPA
- Tinymight XL Sidecar
- Tinymight Smoked Boro Stem
- Tinymight Hard Rim Screens
- Tinymight Speed Loader
- Tinymight Conical Screens
- Tinymight Dosing Capsules
- Tinymight Dosing Capsules with Caddy
- Ash Catcher Replacement
- Pass-Thru Adapter
- Crafty/Mighty Cooling Stem
- Crafty/Mighty Cooling Mouthpiece
- Y Adapter
- S Adapter
- Glass Stand
- 3mm Ruby
- 3mm SiC
- 3mm Ti
- 3mm White Zirconia
- 3mm Boro
- 4mm Ruby
- 4mm SiC
- 6mm Quartz
- 25mm Banger Spinner Set
- 25mm Opague Bottom Banger
- Dynavap Dosing Capsules
- Dynavap WPA Adapter
- Crafty/Mighty/Venty Dosing Capsules
- Vapor Sherlock
- Quad Adapter
- Xmax Starry Dosing Capsules
- Rayon Fiber
- 4 Piece 2.5" Stainless Steel Grinder
- 4 Piece 2.2" Aluminum FullMag Grinder
- 3 Piece 2.2" Aluminum FullMag Grinder
20% off the following collections w/ code WINTER20 :
- Elev8R Kit (torch driven)
- Da Buddha (DBV)
- DBV Baller Heater Cover
- Silver Surfer (SSV)
- SSV Baller Heater Cover
- Wireless Dock Station
- Wireless Heater
- Titanium Matrix Injector
- Adjustable Diffuser Bowl
- Injector Pass-through Chamber
- Core 2.1 E-rig
- Matrix Incycler for Core
- Stargazer for Core
- Mini Recycler for Core
- Mini- Buddy Heated Dab Tool
- Herb Scoop
- Coil Heat Stand
- Coil Heat Guard
- Thermal Twist / Ruby Twist Heater Core
- Classic PID Controller
- Dual PID Controller
- ACE Cup
- Tug 2.0
- DC-Elev8R Kit (coil driven)
- Micro PID Controller (black)
- Micro PID Controller Dual (black)
- Cobra Coil
- Small Inline
- Large Inline
- HD 3-Piece Bubbler
- Triple Horn Inline Rig
- 3-Piece Bubbler Replacement
- Single Hose Hookah
- Whip Mouthpiece and 14mm Whip Assembly
- Klein Recycler
Ispure (formerly known as Ispire)
- Ispure (formerly known as Ispire) Wand
- Inner Cup (bottomed - concentrate)
- Borosilicate Straight Banger
- Borosilicate Angled Banger
- Borosilicate Carb Cap
- Dynavap Adapter Kit
Storz and Bickel (Some limitations- no accessories)
- Cell by VGoodiEZ
- Cell Mega by VGoodiEZ
- Matrix Recyler (MTX1)
- Matrix Bubbler (MTX2)
- Orb V2
- Orb V3
- Orb Mini Bubbler
- Stack Bubbler
- Ceramic Incense Holder Hand Shaped
- Ceramic Incense Holder Round Shaped
- Incense Holder - Tree of Life
- Incense Burner - Tower
- Incense Burner - Wooden Box
- Incense - Chakra Collection
- Incense - Stamford
- Incense - Ten Thousand Villages
- Mushroom Stash Jar
- Natural Essential Oils
- Stash Tray
*All sales are WHILE SUPPLIES LAST and subject to change without notice. Please allow for additional processing time for holiday sales and understand that shipping times are ESTIMATES! Express shipping is unreliable so we don’t recommend you pay for it. If you do and the delivery is late, we cannot provide any refunds. Please plant ahead of time and order early to avoid stock outs and shipping issues. You can add multiple discount codes to apply to different items. Please do not email us asking for modifications to the existing sales. We cannot accommodate changes.
Medical Patients and Veterans Discount
We offer a 10% discount for medical patients as well as veterans. Please email for details and we will send you a coupon code (and take the opportunity to answer any questions you may have). This code will work for most items in the shop, but not all. Some vendors do not allow discounting outside of specific times. Just a small token for our veterans and medical patients in need of quality delivery systems.
**Sorry, we cannot stack veteran or medical discounts on top of current promotions. However if you have multiple items from different collections with different discounts, you can enter more than one code at checkout.
Please do us the courtesy of not emailing us and asking us for special deals outside of our promotions or look to modify existing bundles to your request. This includes asking for discounts for shipping for international customers. We are a small business and we keep our prices as low as possible. Most items we sell are going to be difficult to source anywhere else much less at a better price than we are already providing so we would appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Fielding emails for situations like this is a burden for our small team.
All sales and prices are subject to change without notice. That side we typically relate to sales roll as long as possible assuming we have stock.