3mm Borosilicate Beads - ~9g Bag by VGoodiEZ
These 3mm Borosilicate (Glass) beads / balls / spheres have a number of different purposes being used in both heat sink vaporizer tech as well as glass mouthpiece cooling tech.
These are the same Glass beads used in Vape Critic's G43 vaporizer so they are a direct and suitable replacement. They are also used in the VGoodiEZ Elev8R Enail kits (DC-ELEV8R/E43) and are a perfect solution to add heater mass.
Pouch is filled with 10g of beads or more. This is more than enough to completely fill up the G43 or Elev8R heater. Want to know how many balls that is? Feel free to count them and let us know! LOL
VGoodiez takes no responsibility for personal injury or damage to personal vaporizing equipment as a result of modifications with these beads. Hot balls are dangerous too so be careful!
They are not recommended as terp pearls for your banger. It is also NOT recommended to use glass beads for the Elev8R torch. Only the enail driven E43 version.
*G43 for display purposes only! Not included!
What is it? It looks cool I want it I cannot find any info on it, its custom glass who makes it? I want it.
That is the G43. For a little while they had stopped making them but not too long ago I heard they were trying to get it back going. Perhaps give Bud a follow on Twitch and see where he's at with it. He's the original maker.
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Amazing boro pearl set, they perfectly fill up my Qaroma XL which can take around 500 3mm beads.
The borosilicate balls are preforming dam near as good as the ruby and the sic so save your money's for things to use your balls on
Needed some extra borosilicate cooling balls for my enano stem. These worked perfectly! The size was smaller than the existing balls, but did the trick!! Nice cool vapor!! Thank you