Hard Rim Basket Screens for Tinymight (4 Pack) by VGoodiEZ (TM 9)
18 reviews
Hard rim basket screens- 4 pack.
The rim is slightly smaller than our VGoodiEZ Basket Screens which prevents these from getting caught on the O-Ring when removing the stem. Made of 304 SS
Strider024 Using these with my Crossing Tech microdose bowl and my rubytwist. THUMBS UP! I really like the fit and how it works.
Josh Barnes Really nice to have the extra baskets, less cleaning time and perfect for when friends come over.
M. Better then dosing capsules, similar amount. Perfect for the glass, super loose in ti stem.
Those are disposable material, so better order 5-10 of them out of the gate
Ny vaper Just what you need for tinymight stem way better than "cooling unit"