We know the heavy kits we sell have a lot of parts and can be intimidating! Hopefully this article helps you sort out the details. To start you need to know the basic elements of a heavy kit. The parts are as follows and we will go into details below on why one might work better than the other for your preference.
- Head Assembly including Diffuser Bottom with the B1 and B2
- Filling material (ruby/boro/other)
- Coil
- Coil Handle Option
- Bowl
- Safety Stand
- PID Controller
Now let's get into some details for each!
Injector Head

- TiTi DiY inspired Injector Head Assembly
Injector head based on the 19mm male shovelhead post with 3mm ruby beads and basket screen secured from top and bottom. Some argue this device have similar performance to the Pinky and Flowerpot B0. If you decide on the TiTi however I suggest keeping Cannabis Hardware out of your plans as their injector heads require that larger 20mm coil

- DC-Elev8R Quartz Injector Head Assembly
Using a Quartz Injector Head and 3mm ruby beads, this is one of the more popular devices when it comes to flavor. Before the coil driven was available, we only had the torch driven… at one time without rubies!

3mm increase draw restriction and take less time to heat up after an extraction. Flowerpot B0 and B1 specifically performs well with 3mm. 4mm decrease draw restriction and take more time to heat up after extraction. Flowerpot B2 is a perfect example for 4mm beads.

All of the coils we sell at VGoodiEZ are of the 5-Pin XLR North American Standard pinout. They are compatible with all of the PID's we sell in our shop but may not be compatible with other PID's even if they plug looks the same. The wire pinout must match how the PID is wired. See diagram for compatiblity:
We sell coils compatible with Disorderly Conduction, Auber, Cannabis Hardware and Shenzhen Crossing.
Available in either 16mm or 20mm sizes. If you are the collector or just enjoy DIY projects you may want the 20mm which has far greater compatibility (Flowerpot B0/B1/B2, TKO, Freight Train, Pinky).

- Disorderly Conduction 16mm, stretched,
The 16mm stretched is the coil used with the DC-Elev8R. Having the coil stretch along the quartz heater
This 16mm coil is not stretched which makes it useful with the TiTi DIY Heavy Bundle. These coils also accept Cannabis Hardware’s Aluminum coil handle.
Coil Handle
Allows for a secure and comfortable grip every time
The Cocobolo coil handle by Ed’s TnT offers a perfect combination of comfort and elegance. This handle is compatible with Disorderly Conduction 16mm coil and Cannabis Hardware 20mm.
Crafted from the same medical grade aluminum used in their coil stands, these handles by Cannabis Hardware offer an industrial yet custom touch to your setup. Although they will fit B1 and B2 just fine, Flowerpot B0 is ideal when considering the size/weight of injector head paired with the length of the handle. The etching along with the Cannabis Hardware insignia in the middle of handle provide superior grip.

Coil Safety Stand
Safely rest your injector head on these coil stands

A variety of injector chambers compatible with a number of our Heavy Bundles. The following are compatible with the 22mm diffuser.
Originally designed for the 22mm diffuser, it was revised to accommodate the injector diffuser which rests inside the shovelhead bowl allowing for 1/4 - 1/2 load maximum. If loading a full shovelhead bowl is a priority when building your setup then choose the 22mm diffuser option.
Shovelhead Post
An essential component to the shovelhead bowl, consider this as the WPA for your glass. Our most common sizes sold are the 14mm and 19mm male post however we also stock 10mm, along with female posts. Please email sales@vgoodiez.com with your request before proceeding with your Heavy Bundle order.

With the assistance of customer feedback we redesigned our original borosilicate injector chamber with a more durable handle and improved glass screen deck. V2 also features metal screens for the first time which is our standard option for Heavy Bundles. From 14mm or 19mm, standard or XL, there’s an injector chamber to suit your needs. Don’t forget about our injector pass through chambers!
The Sticky Brick Injector Chamber is a popular among Flowerpot B0 enthusiasts. The injector heads fits nicely onto the chamber allowing for consistent seal while extracting. Similar to Ed’s TnT, these bowls will insulate some of that thermal energy due to their wooden bodies. One unique thing that sets these apart from Ed’s is the swappable glass 14mm/19mm adapters. A simple yet effective design, the screen rests on top of this adapter for using access during cleaning.
- Ed’s TnT Injector Chamber, V2

Used to heat the coil reliably and efficiently. Auber offers the most options while DC Micro is basic controller that is very reliable
Featuring a black anodized enclosure with one knob controller which performs activation of temperature setting mode by tapping and increase or decrease set temperature by turning the know. There’s also a dual color power button so you’ll always know when the device is operational and when it is turned off, along with a hot coil warning feature which remains for 25 minutes. This can be changed or removed by adjusting the settings which we’ll get into below.
The Auber RDK-300B Supplementary Manual
Warning, if you are uncomfortable tinkering with settings and parameters on this device in fear of frying your coil, don’t attempt anything mentioned in the manual. For those comfortable with this, there’s a host of features available. We carry the most recent version featuring Boost Mode and adjustments in the Supplementary Manual, which is called Menu 122.
- Disorderly Conduction

Did the Pelinail 1030 catch your eye however you wish there was room for some party supplies. Look no further with our Disorderly Conduction Pelinail 1120 V2! Featuring crush and dust proof enclosure made here in the USA. If you have any questions about this product please email us at sales@vgoodiez.com
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