Crossing Technology
Thermal Twist Core (Choose Material) by Crossing Technology
Don't need balls? Choose a solid metal core made of Stainless Steel or Titanium. Hybrid, which is referred to as the Ruby Twist, is made of Titanium and includes 230 gem cut ruby for extra heat calories! It's a different listing here and our kit includes the Titanium Matrix Injector!
- Thermal Twist Injector Core (Choose 316 Stainless Steel or GR2 Titanium). Hybrid core includes 230 gem cut ruby.
CAUTION Notes! (Thermal Twist)
1. Do not leave the Housing head in the glass bowl to heat up. As it heats the metal and glass expand and the housing can become stuck in the glass which can cause the glass to break.
2. Always use the provided stand for storage, do not store the housing installed on the bowl as over time this can damage the bowl.
3. Please note the temperature is set to Celsius if you are in UK, EU or AU and Fahrenheit if you are in US or Canada by default.
4. Please ensure the hex bolt on top of the housing is tight and secure, these can loosen during shipping.
CAUTION Notes! (Ruby Twist)
1. Do not leave the Housing head in the glass bowl to heat up. As it heats the metal and glass expand and the housing can become stuck in the glass which can cause the glass to break.
2. Always use the provided stand for storage, do not store the housing installed on the bowl as over time this can damage the bowl.
3. Please note the temperature is set to Celsius if you are in UK, EU or AU and Fahrenheit if you are in US or Canada by default.
The Ruby Twist… Economy Class? Heck no! This thing coupled with the Titanium Matrix bowl is high quality craftsmanship and at an affordable price. The machine work is top notch. For the price you will have a hard time beating it.

I RECENTLY purchased Ruby twist hybrid made by crossing, I also own the full titanium, they are both So Beautifully Designed and So super smooth, terpy, tasteie , and well diffused.. well worth the cost, way more then your moneys worth.. I Stand behind crossing, Love it.
Screw the normal bowl. A Tinymight water pipe adapter fits the ID PERFECTLY. Essentially a mini glass shovelhead.
I'm running the hybrid core w rubies at 470-480F and it absolutely slaps, one and done hits with amazing flavor.
I’m finding the Thermal Twist Ti to have better taste than my ball vapes (CH, Old Head). The exceptional taste is akin to an Herborizer IMO. It’d be nice to have Jerry from Troy and Jerry confirm this. The efficiency is less and the extraction rate is slightly slower than a ball vape, but with markedly better taste. The Thermal Twist Ti has been my go-to lately. I’m running it at 640 and clearing a med-large bowl in ~ 3 hits. I wish you could use the more common glass injector bowls but you really need to use the one Crossing Technology makes which is kind of a bummer. Overall I really like this ball-less design and I imagine it’ll be running on my desk for the foreseeable future.