Cannabis Hardware
Titanium 3/4" Screen for Flowerpot (Single) by Cannabis Hardware (CH 17)
6 reviews
Tighter Weave Screen sourced in the USA
- 60/.009"/TITANIUM GR-1 (Wire Size)
- .0077" Opening
- 3/4" Dia. Tol. -0", +.005"
- Sold individually
- Clean with alcohol
- Fits Shovelhead Flowerpot Bowls
- Does not fit Flowerpot Glass Bowls
Twig These are great screens that work great and last a long time. I prefer these titanium ones over the stainless steel although they both work very well. Definitely worth the price increase over the SS ones. I'll be back for more someday when they are in need of replacing once again.
truman henderson As long as you brush it out after every use you won't have to clean it much, and when you do clean it don't take it out of the bowl just soak the whole thing in iso so it lasts longer without fraying
Will Emerson I replace the screen every other day, soaking the used one in ISO during that time. They work.