8mm Spoon by Hookahhead
Handmade in the Mid-Atlantic United States! This 8mm adapter can be used to as a stem for a Thermal Accumulator (pictured, but not included in sale, Dynavap tip and cap, Vaphit heater or other similar solution.
Made by hand so please expect some small variation.
Therman accumulator is only shown for demonstration and not included in purchase for this item.
What a delightful piece! Great flavor and airflow, with a really good carb placement. It takes a bit to get me to forgo the cooling and functional effects of the standard vapcap condenser+airport, where air is drawn in against the direction of vapor flow to mix turbulently a little inside the tip. This piece of course has no condenser, making the carb truly a carb and not an airport. Still, the positioning of the carb seems to lead to a similar effect - fresh air is drawn in and mixes really close to the dyna tip. I find that gives it better function than almost any other condenserless glass piece I've used (e.g. bb9 or similar). A benefit of forgoing the condenser is also much more open airflow, which makes drawing against restrictive vapcaps a lot easier. The flavor is super clean compared to really any other dynavap stem configuration I've used - pure and unaffected by the material. Great crafstmanship here, and a beyond fair price!
P.S. I will also note you can utilize mouthpieces/condensors to a degree with this piece! The mouth is not a perfect 8mm diameter (it's a little too wide) but any oring or mouthpiece setup that expands a little on the vapcap default will fit snugly. The pinner is a fun combo! Still, using a glass handpiece like this with a metal or wood mouthpiece feels like it defeats the purpose and clarity of flavor to me. YMMV