Phatpiggie's Wood Shed
Thermal Accumulator Heater Matrix by Phattpiggie
Been looking for a portable ball vape? Look no further! Direct from the UK, this is Phattpiggie's latest creation! Powered by a torch or induction heater, this is truly power you can fit in your pocket! Handcrafted as usual, these are limited in stock!
*Filled with ~2g 3mm boro balls (about 55 or 70 balls depending on matrix selected). Ruby, SiC and CZ have all been tested successfully so have at it if you want to experiment!
Please note this is the bowl and heater matrix only. You need a stem to attach this to. There are tons on the market. None nicer and more fitting than a nice wood stem by Piggy himself!
*Wood stems are preferable to metal stems if back to back use is in the plans. The metal will get hot! We do have this simple guard to help with the revolve stem.
Works with a Torch, Wand or Inductor. Adaptable to the Chaos.
*Be sure to do a"burn off" while empty. Then do a hot run while empty to get a sense of the heat and how much you're giving versus the amount of torch time. Then fill her up and have a good time! There is no indicator to let you know when you've heated it enough. Suggestion is to use a timer until you get used to it. It will become second nature and it is forgiving that you just don't want to combust and make your stems taste all nasty. The amount of torch time also depends on the torch that you were using. Don't get greedy in the beginning. Learn to understand the power of this device before you go for the monsters!
Usage video with torch here! Thanks Phattpiggie!
Screen Installation video here.
*If you supported in the purchase of the Legacy heater and are a CURRENT owner who wants to continue to support, please contact if you'd like to arrange for one of these updated heaters. We are only asking that you cover the cost of shipping and to know you are a current and original owner of the TA.
If you have supported purchase of Phattpiggie gear through him personally or through you may also be eligible for a purchase discount on this item! Please email us!
Phattpiggie and VGoodiEZ accept NO RESPONSIBLITY if you F*ck up! :) Use with caution!
*If you are in Europe or perhaps want a special order you can contact Piggie directly.
Yes, everyone who uses the TA knows that it hits like a truck, one of my favorites devices, I just can’t use it the whole day because I have stuff to do lol.
I have mine in a BB6 stem, great and lowish costs. If you are thinking about the TA just get it and thank me later. I got the TA3 btw, if you are going to constantly changing the balls inside the device get the TA4.
Only device of that kind that I’m able to share on a 4-5 group a pass it around and just reheat a little bit if it gets cold. I use it with the Wand and it does the job, but I highly recommend a big torch if you are going to be using it with friends (also makes the device shine even more)
Sorry if there’s grammar errors, ESL here.
Very easy to use with The Wand [65 heat pulses from cold]. Find a wood stem, they are a huge advantage. I managed to get 86 3mm rubies in this heater.
Use with my wand, it's a pretty amazing piece of gear
Ball vape in a portable style. Very impressive