Pockety by JCVAP
The Pockety vaporizer is not the world’s first smart device combining the function of a dry herb vape and concentrate together, although it’s the first device using 5 directional ceramic heating technology. The temperature sensor assembled in heating cup makes temperature control more accurate. Based on these technologies it makes sure the temperature produced on each session consistent. This provides big rips and great flavor. That’s biggest difference of Pockety from other device on the market.
When using the concentrate mode you can switch different inserts for the chamber: AlN, Quartz, SiC and Ruby. The XXL is a fixed ceramic cup and does not include the quartz cup insert. The ceramic is fixed and no cup can be added. All other variants include the quartz cup.
Information on charging. This quote direct from JCVAP:
To ensure fast heating and long usage time of Pockety, we use two 18650 batteries in series. If the capacities of individual batteries are inconsistent, during the charging process, the battery with smaller capacity may reach full charge prematurely, while the one with larger capacity remains not fully charged. This can result in the entire battery pack not being fully charged. The industry’s best solution to this is using charging balancing. However, charging balancing also has some drawbacks. Due to the inability to achieve 100% consistency in materials and assembly processes of the two batteries, there may be slight capacity differences between them. These minor differences can only be balanced by weak voltage differences. The smaller the difference, the longer it takes. Sometimes it may take several weeks of continuous charging to eliminate these minor differences. In reality, these tiny differences do not affect the battery output and usage time. Therefore, you may notice that some Pockety devices keep charging continuously. Additionally, because our engineers initially did not realize that this could confuse users, we deeply apologize for this. We will try to avoid this issue in program as much as possible in subsequent batches. Now, as long as you ensure that the battery indicator shows full after unplugging Pockety from the power source, it means it’s fully charged.Depending on your charging adapter, this usually takes between 2.5 to 6 hours.
Furthermore, according to our tests, inferior charging adapters may cause Pockety to consistently not fully charge. Please make sure to use qualified charging adapters
These guys have amazing customer service. Took the time to answer my questions and let me keep something they sent by accident that also worked with my pockety. One of the best purchases I've made this year and glad I ordered it from these guys!
By far the best e rig I've ever purchased
The pockety with xxl chamber is awesome. I was worried I wouldn’t be satisfied with an e-rig, but this does everything my quartz banger can and more. Small dabs to huge globs, sipping or chugging clouds. Precise temperature control is awesome and you can even change the temperature mid dab. Even without a whip adapter or any inserts this thing works exactly how i wanted.
i have an xl puffco with 4k hits and this is everybit as good for 1/3 the price.
already have 3500 hits on my pockety xl daily driver. vgoodiez rules