Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Tim Kessler
Venty takes it to another level

I've been an S&B user for nearly a decade. In that time I have owned a few og Mighty and a Crafty+ and used them extensively. The jump between those devices and the Venty is real and plainly obvious. Venty offers a next level experience and is, in my opinion, well worth the asking price.

Dana Chicarelli
VENTY is TOP of the line!

All four reviews on the Venty are spot on! Best vape, best experience bar none. Titanium capsules are an ABSOLUTE MUST!!!

Fantastic vape.

i have a cano digit, and have owned many good vapes, but this thing combined with the little sidecar bubbler is so incredibly smooth. working perfectly so far!

Mike Nichols

Believe the hype - this thing is absolutely dope. I am coming from a Solo II I run through a water pipe that has satisfied me for a long time. I almost didn't order because ignorance is bliss, but I bit the bullet and got it with the titanium dosing capsules, which are incredibly high quality and recommended as well. Extraction is super even, cooling is so effective I don't miss the water pipe, and the flavor is actually very good at the temps I use (180-185C). No "Bickel tickle" that I can detect, though I haven't used other S&B vapes with which to compare. Cleaning is actually no big deal after learning to do it the first time, and the oven itself stays incredibly clean if you're exclusively using capsules. I would recommend getting more coarse screens as mine is fraying at this point after six weeks of heavy use and weekly cleanings. Everything else looks and works like brand new.

Jay and Scott of VGoodiEZ have been very helpful and great to communicate with as well.