Crossing Technology Ruby Twist vs Wireless One-Hit Wonder (WOHW) Ball Vape Comparison

Crossing Technology Ruby Twist vs Wireless One-Hit Wonder (WOHW) Ball Vape Comparison

What began as a solid stainless steel or titanium core with a unique spiral twist, many enjoyed this ball-less vape called the Thermal Twist. After making its first introduction into desktops, the Ruby Twist was born. Removing the Thermal Twist core, it is now filled with 230 gem cut rubies for added thermal extraction capacity.

Advantages of Ruby Twist Bundle:

Advantages of WOHW Ball Vape kit:

  • Wireless Heater with 22mm and Injector diffuser 
  • 520 3mm Gem Cut Rubies
  • Compatible with more third party manufactured bowls

Our available Crossing Technology Bundles can be found here:

Ruby Twist Bundle with Titanium Matrix Bowl and Microdose Bowl

Wireless One-Hit Wonder (WOHW) Ball Vape

Compatible Injector Chambers for the Ruby Twist

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